How to open a feature cam document without feature cam
How to open a feature cam document without feature cam

how to open a feature cam document without feature cam
  1. #How to open a feature cam document without feature cam manual
  2. #How to open a feature cam document without feature cam free

i was a beginner mastercam user when i was pretty much forced to learn featurecam. i love it for the speed, and could never give that up. as is extracting geometry from solid models. geometry creation is super simple and fast. bummer.Īlthough, i have to state: from print/solid to part, on 2.5d and simple 3d, you absolutely cannot beat featurecam! it is fast. and, if you leave it on and just slow the tool cutting the gasket surface down to get an acceptable finish, you gain over 3minutes. and, you cant turn it off or you gain about 4 minutes of cycle time, and risk breaking an expensive 3/4 endmill in a tight, deep inside radius. and, the increased feedrate around the bosses leaves you with a fuzzy bottom finish. that sucks when you are cutting a gasket surface that has bosses protruding. just yesterday i learned that you cannot turn peripheral feed "off" for a single feature. the more advanced i get in my programming skills, and the more complex the parts become, i am also discovering alot of shortcomings.

how to open a feature cam document without feature cam

but, when i start something, i dont have time to set it aside and wait. i dont know how the flow goes in other shops. at least not without a waiting period for a call back, or email. when all you have to show for $25k is a freaking dongle, there damn sure better be somebody waiting at the phone that actually can help. he did well) i think our company has spent somewhere close to $25k with delcam.

how to open a feature cam document without feature cam

i didnt have many questions though so he was just going through the motions. "let me go ask somebody else, because i cant help you" type of situations bother me. i somehow always seem to come up with questions that require a call-back. I have been extremely disappointed in their customer service since Chris Cole got promoted and no longer answers the phones. Gonna be a fireworks show!!!please do tell. Ill start a new one and post the emails between the SLC office and me. Be carefull, they will do you dirty and have some bad ethics. Though as of today i have severed all ties with delcam. It is open to anyone, tough it isn't as lively as some others.

#How to open a feature cam document without feature cam free

Otherwise, feel free to ask away either here or on the FC forum. There is a gsg.pdf, which is the getting started guide, and there is a post.pdf for building or modifying your own post. I have UG_part1.pdf, ug_part2.pdf, these are the manuals. I've used FC for the last 5 years or so and do not know when was the last release of the manuals, but look under the ProramFiles\Delcam\FeatureCAM\Program\Help directory. They were some 700 pages worth and quite useful.

#How to open a feature cam document without feature cam manual

One is the manual for the CAM side, the other is the post processor ( Xbuild ) manual. I was quite disappointed that the latest versions don't include a fairly complete manual on PDF, but earlier versions ( perhaps even V13 ) had two PDF-s. Read the helpfiles, they are not bad at all. If something is off, start dicking with the settings until you get your way. Don't worry about the post yet, the demo won't let you post anyway, just get the toolpathĮxactly how you want it. Make sure each feature is complete and is exactly how you want it on the simulation. Take whatever drawing you have ( solid or 2D ) get your stock set up, set your XYZ coords to the stock and start programming each feature just as you would by hand. The CAM side OTOH is brilliantly comprehensive. Unless you have nothing else, I would try to shy as far as I can from drawing anything in FC, that part suck major league. I've never had any formal training on FC, but what made it easy for me to learn is to take an existing program I had ( pre-FC it's all fingerCAM or ACAD to Bobcad and all manual ) and

How to open a feature cam document without feature cam